Share a poem that is not on the memorized poem list and explain why it is
  special to you. Please copy the entire poem onto your blog. Do not repeat
poems:  First poems posted are the only one that will count. Respond to a peer's post.

"It has been said that life is the most patient teacher. You will be presented
  with the same experience over and over until you learn the best way to deal
with  the situation.. This is not because life is cruel. Rather, it is because
things  have a way of coming back to haunt us when we don't deal with them. One form of  intelligence is the ability to learn from mistakes. When you are
presented with  a painful experience, take the time to think about how you can
avoid it in the  future. This is an example of a lesson learned." 

This poem is my favorite at the moment because it relates to my life. I am
  starting to learn all of these life lessons that have been infront of my face
  the whole time. I would like to thank my family, and especially my parents for
  trying to teach me life lessons, but I got have to learn them on my own, thanks
  for trying though. 

ATTENTION: Brianna Reve Perez, I thought it was touching that your favorite poem is about your passon, playing the bassoon. 

What poem have you enjoyed the most from the poetry read in class and why? What was your least favorite poem read in class and why? Be sure to use specific lines from the poem (MLA parenthetical citation) to support your postitions. Respond to a peer's post.

The rules for poetry differ from the rules for quoting prose in two key ways:

  • Poetry requires writers to cite line numbers not page numbers.

  • Poetry requires writers to keep line breaks in tact.

Quoting 1, 2 or 3 lines of poetry.
You can
quote three or  fewer lines of poetry without having to place the lines in a
block quote. Use  quotation marks. Use a slash to indicate the break between
lines. Put the line  numbers in parentheses. Place the period at the end of the
line number(s):.
Heaney directly compares poetry writing to the digging his
  ancestors did: "Between my finger and my thumb / The squat pen rests. / I'll
dig  with it" (29-31). 

Quoting 4 or more lines of poetry. If you quote
four or  more lines of poetry, you need to block indent the poem ten spaces on
the left  margin.

The author, David Bottoms, is wise to the fact that men
often  use sports to communicate their feelings. The persona of the poem,
however,  takes years to realize his father's message. Once he realizes the
importance of  sports to their relationship, he sends a message back to his

 and I never learned what you were laying down.
Like a hand
  brushed across the bill of a cap,
let this be the sign
I'm getting a grip
  on the sacrifice. (20-23)
Do not use ellipses if you start quoting a poem midline.
If  you want to start quoting in the middle of a line of poetry, just
add indentions  to indicate the text is only a partial line. Do
not use ellipses points  (. . .). 

McDonald paints a picture of a family in pain, but he uses
  images that usually show up in cozier circumstances, such as children reading
  the comics:

At dawn we folded the quilts and funnies, crept softly through our chores. (13-16)

If you remove words from the middle of a line, DO use an
  ellipses to represent the missing text. 

As a boy, the persona visited his grandfather in the fields:
  "Once I carried him milk. . . . / He straightened up / To drink it" (Heaney

If you remove one or more full line, use a line of
ellipses to  indicate the omission.

The persona in Hayden's poem would wake to hear the fire his
  father started before dawn: 

Sundays too my father got up early
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'd wake and hear the cold splintering,
When the rooms were warm, he'd call,
and slowly I would rise
and  dress. (1, 6-8)

Put line numbers after citing several single words.
If you  quote several words or phrases from throughout a poem, list the
line numbers  after each word.
Roethke uses a variety of words in "My Papa's Waltz" that indicate
  physical violence, words such as "death" (3), "battered" (9), "scraped" (12),
  "beat" (13), and "hard" (14). 

For one word, put the line number at the end. Just as when
quoting a  single word of a prose work, put line numbers at the end of a
sentence if  quoting only one word.

When Heaney uses a simile to compare his pen to a "gun," he creates a startling image (2).

I think my favorite poem so far would be “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley.
  This poem was too powerful and dark for some. I doubt that there is really a
God  sometimes, I can admit it. Henley uses this poem to basically say that he
is the  master of his own fate, and regardless of the outcome, he will keep his
head  high. I think like this too. Some might look down on me because I don’t
believe  in God, but I’m over it. Anyways, this poem brings heavy metal music to
my mind  when I read it. Since most poetry is happy and sunshiny, I feel that
this poem  stands out. The first line, “Out of the night that covers me, Black
as the Pit  from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be, For my
unconquerable soul” (Henley 1-4). These lines really show that the rest of the
poem is going to be  dark and powerful. Even though the poet exaggerates, it
really shows a realness  to the world.

ATTENTION: Rianna Lewis, I agree with you because I feel that he is fearful of
  the world, but will never man up to his fears. He uses questions to change the
  tone of the poem.

What song lyrics do you love and why? Quote a song's lyrics and explain why
  you love them. Please do not choose lines that are inappropriate for a
classroom  discussion.
Respond to a peer's post.

        The song I chose from this blog will have to be Have faith in me by a day to
  remember. “Have faith in me Cause there are things that I've seen I don't
  believe, So cling to what you know and never let go. You should know things
  aren't always what they seem. I said I'd never let you go, and I never did I
  said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it, If you didn't have this
  chance then I never did You'll always find me right there, again I'm going
  crazy, Cause there are things in the streets I don't believe. So we'll pretend
  it's alright (pretend it's alright) and stay in for the night. Oh what a world,
  I'll keep you safe here with me (with me) I said I'd never let you go, and I
  never did, I said I'd never let you fall and I always meant it If you didn't
  have this chance then I never did. You'll always find me right there, again” I
  chose this song because it has always brought me through the hard times. The
  song just gives me a sense of hope, and that I will do well in my life. I just
  feel happy when I hear this song. I heard this song when I went to warped tour
  and I was just amazed of the intensity it had on the crowd. ATTENTION: Marlo,
  you are a good singer! Don’t hold back! I love the song that you chose. It does
  have meaning when you really look at the words. I like how you said that the
  song unvails a piece of the story with ever note.

This marks the end of the first half of your senior year and this is your
  midterm blog. It will count as 20% of your quarter grade. Congratulations to

 This quarter we spent a great deal of time reading and analyzing
. This was the first time I have used this novel and would like
  honest criticism to determine whether or not to use it in the future. 

In a well-written, 500+ word response, write an argument defending whether or
  not Les Miserables should be taught in my future classes. (80%)

 Be sure to address:

  • your position (should the novel be used again?)
  • what you liked about the Les Miserables unit and why
  • what you did not like and why
  • the life-lessons (themes)
  • the text (quotes)
  • the YouTube clips from the musical (songs)
  • the independent reading assignments
  • the class discussions
  • the blogs
  • summarize your position

Then, read through your peers' posts and choose one that has taken the
  opposite position from you. Argue why a comment made in that post is
inaccurate,  incomplete, or incorrect to help support your position. (20%)

I think that Les Miserables should be thought again next year. I
liked that there was always a lesson behind the text and that there were many
stories inside one big novel. I also liked that the novel started out with
different stories but then they all connected at the end. The life lessons that
came from this book made it worth the time to read. I did like that the story
was tragic, and interesting. If the story would have been a happy story about
life and everything worked out then it would have been boring. On the contrary,
the book was a little hard to understand at some points, but those who stuck it
out understood it after a while. The book was long, and took a while to read in
class and at home. That’s probably because I cannot concentrate at home at

 The one life-lesson that I learned is that life is tragic, but
it makes it interesting.  If
cosette would of never been treated like a misfortunate child, her fate would
have been different. If Jean Valjean would have never been a convict, his story
in this novel would have been different. Many life lessons could be taken from
Les Miserables, but the one that I treasure the most is that forgiveness is an
amazing, life changing gift.

The text was hard to understand at some points because of the
time period and the history that was going on. I think if the book was written a
couple years ago with new lingo then maybe it would have been more
understandable. Or maybe the fact that it was written with French accents and in
places that I’ve never heard of. For me, the concept of miserable-ness was hard
to grasp, since I have never honestly been miserable to this extent. 
I honestly felt that the YouTube clips from the musical were hard to
understand. I feel like they missed a lot of the details, but maybe it’s just
because I am not a musical person. When we watched the videos on YouTube I did
feel the beauty of the singing, but I did not understand what they were saying
until we went over it afterwards. The other YouTube of the movie version of Les
Miserables did help a lot with understanding the book, it was faithful to the
text and it was clear.

Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I always told myself that I would do
the independent reading assignments. However, when I got home I would find other
things to do and then by the time I wanted to read it was already time for bed.
I wish I did take the time to read at home, it’s just difficult. The reading in
the classroom setting was way easier to do

 The classroom discussions were probably what made me understand
the book. The book is hard to grasp, but when you have other peers thoughts it
is easier to put two and two together. Whenever you read in class it was easier
to get the feel of the characters and what their real voices sound like. I
honestly dislike in the past when we read in class and the teacher would go
around the room because most people stink at reading, and it is hard to keep up
with the story if the change of voice is so

 The blogs also helped me understand the book because besides
getting information about our character, we could see the storyline of other

ATTENTION: Marlo, This book was a little long for my liking, as I am a slow
  reader like you are. However, the content that I did read was great.

*This is a double blog and must have at least 10 sentences. 

Use your dilectical journals to idenitfy five (5) quotes that show your
  character's journey in the novel Les Miserables. The quotes should
span  from the character's entrance to his or her exit and cannot all be from
the  beginning of the novel. Then explain how the quotes reveal what the
character  has taught you.

 Do not forget to use parenthetical citiations for each quote.

“The pretty little creature gave one a desire to bite her cherry cheeks. We can
  say nothing of her eyes except they must have been very large, and were, and
  were fringed with superb lashes. She was asleep. She was sleeping in the
  absolute confiding slumber peculiar for her age. A mother’s arms are made of
  tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein” (Hugo 36).
  Cosette was introduced by her mother, Fantine. She carried Cosette to find
  someone to care for her. Fantine knew that she couldn’t take care of Cosette
  while she was working. Fantine gave her precious daughter to the Thenardiers.
“Cosette could not stir that she did not draw upon herself a hailstorm of
  undeserved and severe chastisements” (Hugo 42).
Once the Thernardiers got their hands on Cosette they started treating her like a servant. Cosette never knew why she was treated this way. She never really complained either. She did as she  was told.

“Cosette followed him without difficulty. She felt fatigue no
more.  From time to time, she raised her eyes toward this man with a sort of 
tranquility and inexpressible confidence. She had never been taught to burn 
toward Providence and to pray. However, she felt in her bosom something that 
resembled hope and joy, and which rose toward heaven” (Hugo 140).

This was a turning point for Cosette. Jean Valjean made a promise to Fantine that he would take care of Cosette for her when she died. This was the first step to taking Cosette back. Cosette needed a new caretaker because the Thenardiers took advantage of her. “She had not only grown; she had become idealized. As three April days are enough for certain trees to put on a covering of flowers, so six months had been enough for her to put on a mantle of beauty” (Hugo 237). 

Cosette  at this point was away from the Thenardiers from quite some time. Jean Valjean  treated her like she should be treated, as a perfect young lady.
Cosette turned  from an ugly sick looking girl to a beautiful young woman.
 “She began to adore  Marius as something charming, luminous, and impossible” (Hugo 254).
Cosette’s  story ended with falling in love with Marius. They always admired eachother from  afar. Marius took the time and courage to finally talk to her. They fell in  love. Marius and Cosette moved in together and the book ended with them both  saying bye to her father, Jean Valjean as he died. 

ATTENTION: Justin Walker, I agree with the quotes you picked. Jean Valjean
  was a good man and he died a loved man at the end. Cosette and Marius loved him very much


 Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 

  1. Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert, or
      the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for
      your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number
    in  proper MLA format.

  • ex. "Import quote from the text" (Hugo 45).

2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own words.
  Don't forget to define difficult words.

 3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including how
  it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth about
  life, or is an example of beautiful writing.

Dialectical journal for Cosette.
Quote: “She had not only grown; she had become idealized. As three April days
  are enough for certain trees to put on a covering of flowers, so six months had
  been enough for her to put on a mantle of beauty” (Hugo 237).
Paraphrase: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.
Analysis: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.

Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 

  1. Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert, or
      the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for
      your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number
    in  proper MLA format.

  • ex. "Import quote from the text" (Hugo 45).

2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own words.
  Don't forget to define difficult words.

 3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including how
  it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth about
  life, or is an example of beautiful writing. 

4. Respond to a peer's post that was particularly insightful.

Dialectical Journal for Cosette-
Quote: “Cosette was going away. With whom? She was ignorant. Where? She knew not. All she understood was, that she was leaving behind the Thenardiers
  chophouse. Nobody had thought of bidding her good-by, nor had she of bidding good-by to anybody. She went out of that house hated and hating (Hugo 157).
  Paraphrase: I think this quote mean that Cosette did not know where she was
  going, but she didn’t care where she was going. As long as she was away from
the  Thenardiers. They hate that she is leaving because she was their built in
slave.  The Thernardiers also received money for keeping her. Why would they
want her to  leave? She hated them for the many wrong doings that they did to
Analysis: Let’s be honest, if you were in the care of the Thenardiers,
  wouldn’t you want to leave by any means? I could understand why she had hatred
  for them. I could also see a different perspective. Instead of feeling that
  Cosette is getting away from her enemys, she was given a new chance at life.
  This is why Cosette represents the meaning of hope.
ATTENTION: Lisseth- I think that your quote really shows how little the
  Thenardiers really thought of Cosette. It is pretty sad.

Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 
     1.Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert,
or the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number in proper MLA format.
     2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own

     3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including
  how it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth
about  life, or is an example of beautiful writing. 

     4. Respond to a peer's post that was particularly insightful and share
  your thoughts.

James Krafft Dr. Griffin English 12 3 December 2012 Dialectical Journal
for  Cosette Quote: “Cosette could not stir that she did not draw upon herself a 
hailstorm of underserved and severe chastisements” (Hugo 42). Paraphrase: I 
think the quote means that Cosette did not know why she is treated the way she
was at this point in the novel. She went from having a loving relationship with
  her mom to being stuck with the Thenardiers. I think the hailstorm part means
  that these emotions are all coming at once, making it hard for her to
  understand. Analysis: This quote gives me a feeling of sadness for Cosette. I
  know I would be upset if my parents gave me to these horrible people. If I was
  old enough I would try to run away. I would never want this to happen to my
  children. This quote adds to the feeling of misery in this novel. It seems like
  the book will never have a turn for the better.

ATTENTION: Dezja Ellis I agree with your analysis because you said that
The  Thenardiers only wanted Cosette for the money that they aquired from
Fantine and  the work that she did for free. They are basically getting paid to
make Cosette  work nonstop.
Are people born good or evil? Do people learn to be good or evil? Choose lines that describe a good and an evil character from the novel. Then, defend whether those two characters were born evil or learned to become evil.

I don’t think people are born good or evil. Good people grow to be a good person with good morals. Evil people grow to be evil without any morals. Jean Valjean was born innocent and good. However, from the choices he has made, made him cold  and heartless. This is shown through the beginning of the book when he was just  trying to feed his family. However they were poor and could not afford food. He  lowered his morals to go and steal from the bread store. From his choices and  the chain of events that made him who he is in the book, he was once a good  person who was just trying to provide for his family. The Bishop was a good  person in this novel. He has always shown kindness and graciousness. When he  caught Jean Valjean stealing his belongings, he proceeded to forgive him and be  kind enough to give him more items. The Bishop shows no attachment to items, he  simply wants to make other peoples lifes better. He has shown that when he gave  his house to a family that was in need of more space. I don’t feel that he was  born “Good.” He just grew to be a kind hearted person who loves to help others.

ATTENTION: Shakima, I think our arguments were pretty similar. I don’t think
  stealing the bread made him an evil person, just a person in need and someone who has done an evil act.

Read "By the River." Then, go back and identify 3 quotes that foreshadowed
  its conclusion. For each quote, explain how it revealed a clue about how the
  short story would end. 
Respond to a peer's post.

1.“The old woman selling tickets looked at Helen as if her eyes were drawn
  irresistibly that way, as if she knew every nasty rumor and wanted to let Helen
  know that she knew.” –This leads me to think that she is not well liked in her
  town; someone or an event that happened in her past is changing other peoples view on Helen. This rumor might come into play later in the short story. 2.“She did not think of her own house, her husband’s house, because it mixed her up too  much right now. Maybe she would go back and maybe not. She did not think of him- if she wanted to go back she would, he would take her in. When she tried to think of what brought her back, it was never her husband” – This quote makes me think that she is never going to go back home. She doesn’t even miss her house. Something happened in her home/hometown to make her leave for good. I have a feeling that there is a problem in their marriage. I think its cheating or abuse  or something of that sort.
3 “Helen frowned at the dark brick, and there, out of  nowhere, the word Adulterous, for it too had been a word she had not understood  for years. A word out of the Bible. It was like a mosquito bothering her at  night, or a stain on her dress- the kind she would have hide without seeming  to.” – Well the word Adulterous means adultery, which means cheating. I would  have to foreshadow that either her or her husband cheated on one another. It’s  more likely her because she feelings guilty by saying that it was like a mosquito bothering her at night.