This marks the end of the first half of your senior year and this is your
  midterm blog. It will count as 20% of your quarter grade. Congratulations to

 This quarter we spent a great deal of time reading and analyzing
. This was the first time I have used this novel and would like
  honest criticism to determine whether or not to use it in the future. 

In a well-written, 500+ word response, write an argument defending whether or
  not Les Miserables should be taught in my future classes. (80%)

 Be sure to address:

  • your position (should the novel be used again?)
  • what you liked about the Les Miserables unit and why
  • what you did not like and why
  • the life-lessons (themes)
  • the text (quotes)
  • the YouTube clips from the musical (songs)
  • the independent reading assignments
  • the class discussions
  • the blogs
  • summarize your position

Then, read through your peers' posts and choose one that has taken the
  opposite position from you. Argue why a comment made in that post is
inaccurate,  incomplete, or incorrect to help support your position. (20%)

I think that Les Miserables should be thought again next year. I
liked that there was always a lesson behind the text and that there were many
stories inside one big novel. I also liked that the novel started out with
different stories but then they all connected at the end. The life lessons that
came from this book made it worth the time to read. I did like that the story
was tragic, and interesting. If the story would have been a happy story about
life and everything worked out then it would have been boring. On the contrary,
the book was a little hard to understand at some points, but those who stuck it
out understood it after a while. The book was long, and took a while to read in
class and at home. That’s probably because I cannot concentrate at home at

 The one life-lesson that I learned is that life is tragic, but
it makes it interesting.  If
cosette would of never been treated like a misfortunate child, her fate would
have been different. If Jean Valjean would have never been a convict, his story
in this novel would have been different. Many life lessons could be taken from
Les Miserables, but the one that I treasure the most is that forgiveness is an
amazing, life changing gift.

The text was hard to understand at some points because of the
time period and the history that was going on. I think if the book was written a
couple years ago with new lingo then maybe it would have been more
understandable. Or maybe the fact that it was written with French accents and in
places that I’ve never heard of. For me, the concept of miserable-ness was hard
to grasp, since I have never honestly been miserable to this extent. 
I honestly felt that the YouTube clips from the musical were hard to
understand. I feel like they missed a lot of the details, but maybe it’s just
because I am not a musical person. When we watched the videos on YouTube I did
feel the beauty of the singing, but I did not understand what they were saying
until we went over it afterwards. The other YouTube of the movie version of Les
Miserables did help a lot with understanding the book, it was faithful to the
text and it was clear.

Yeah, I’m not going to lie, I always told myself that I would do
the independent reading assignments. However, when I got home I would find other
things to do and then by the time I wanted to read it was already time for bed.
I wish I did take the time to read at home, it’s just difficult. The reading in
the classroom setting was way easier to do

 The classroom discussions were probably what made me understand
the book. The book is hard to grasp, but when you have other peers thoughts it
is easier to put two and two together. Whenever you read in class it was easier
to get the feel of the characters and what their real voices sound like. I
honestly dislike in the past when we read in class and the teacher would go
around the room because most people stink at reading, and it is hard to keep up
with the story if the change of voice is so

 The blogs also helped me understand the book because besides
getting information about our character, we could see the storyline of other

ATTENTION: Marlo, This book was a little long for my liking, as I am a slow
  reader like you are. However, the content that I did read was great.

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