*This is a double blog and must have at least 10 sentences. 

Use your dilectical journals to idenitfy five (5) quotes that show your
  character's journey in the novel Les Miserables. The quotes should
span  from the character's entrance to his or her exit and cannot all be from
the  beginning of the novel. Then explain how the quotes reveal what the
character  has taught you.

 Do not forget to use parenthetical citiations for each quote.

“The pretty little creature gave one a desire to bite her cherry cheeks. We can
  say nothing of her eyes except they must have been very large, and were, and
  were fringed with superb lashes. She was asleep. She was sleeping in the
  absolute confiding slumber peculiar for her age. A mother’s arms are made of
  tenderness, and sweet sleep blesses the child who lies therein” (Hugo 36).
  Cosette was introduced by her mother, Fantine. She carried Cosette to find
  someone to care for her. Fantine knew that she couldn’t take care of Cosette
  while she was working. Fantine gave her precious daughter to the Thenardiers.
“Cosette could not stir that she did not draw upon herself a hailstorm of
  undeserved and severe chastisements” (Hugo 42).
Once the Thernardiers got their hands on Cosette they started treating her like a servant. Cosette never knew why she was treated this way. She never really complained either. She did as she  was told.

“Cosette followed him without difficulty. She felt fatigue no
more.  From time to time, she raised her eyes toward this man with a sort of 
tranquility and inexpressible confidence. She had never been taught to burn 
toward Providence and to pray. However, she felt in her bosom something that 
resembled hope and joy, and which rose toward heaven” (Hugo 140).

This was a turning point for Cosette. Jean Valjean made a promise to Fantine that he would take care of Cosette for her when she died. This was the first step to taking Cosette back. Cosette needed a new caretaker because the Thenardiers took advantage of her. “She had not only grown; she had become idealized. As three April days are enough for certain trees to put on a covering of flowers, so six months had been enough for her to put on a mantle of beauty” (Hugo 237). 

Cosette  at this point was away from the Thenardiers from quite some time. Jean Valjean  treated her like she should be treated, as a perfect young lady.
Cosette turned  from an ugly sick looking girl to a beautiful young woman.
 “She began to adore  Marius as something charming, luminous, and impossible” (Hugo 254).
Cosette’s  story ended with falling in love with Marius. They always admired eachother from  afar. Marius took the time and courage to finally talk to her. They fell in  love. Marius and Cosette moved in together and the book ended with them both  saying bye to her father, Jean Valjean as he died. 

ATTENTION: Justin Walker, I agree with the quotes you picked. Jean Valjean
  was a good man and he died a loved man at the end. Cosette and Marius loved him very much

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