Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 

  1. Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert, or
      the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for
      your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number
    in  proper MLA format.

  • ex. "Import quote from the text" (Hugo 45).

2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own words.
  Don't forget to define difficult words.

 3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including how
  it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth about
  life, or is an example of beautiful writing.

Dialectical journal for Cosette.
Quote: “She had not only grown; she had become idealized. As three April days
  are enough for certain trees to put on a covering of flowers, so six months had
  been enough for her to put on a mantle of beauty” (Hugo 237).
Paraphrase: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.
Analysis: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.

Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 

  1. Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert, or
      the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for
      your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number
    in  proper MLA format.

  • ex. "Import quote from the text" (Hugo 45).

2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own words.
  Don't forget to define difficult words.

 3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including how
  it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth about
  life, or is an example of beautiful writing. 

4. Respond to a peer's post that was particularly insightful.

Dialectical Journal for Cosette-
Quote: “Cosette was going away. With whom? She was ignorant. Where? She knew not. All she understood was, that she was leaving behind the Thenardiers
  chophouse. Nobody had thought of bidding her good-by, nor had she of bidding good-by to anybody. She went out of that house hated and hating (Hugo 157).
  Paraphrase: I think this quote mean that Cosette did not know where she was
  going, but she didn’t care where she was going. As long as she was away from
the  Thenardiers. They hate that she is leaving because she was their built in
slave.  The Thernardiers also received money for keeping her. Why would they
want her to  leave? She hated them for the many wrong doings that they did to
Analysis: Let’s be honest, if you were in the care of the Thenardiers,
  wouldn’t you want to leave by any means? I could understand why she had hatred
  for them. I could also see a different perspective. Instead of feeling that
  Cosette is getting away from her enemys, she was given a new chance at life.
  This is why Cosette represents the meaning of hope.
ATTENTION: Lisseth- I think that your quote really shows how little the
  Thenardiers really thought of Cosette. It is pretty sad.

Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 
     1.Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert,
or the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number in proper MLA format.
     2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own

     3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including
  how it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth
about  life, or is an example of beautiful writing. 

     4. Respond to a peer's post that was particularly insightful and share
  your thoughts.

James Krafft Dr. Griffin English 12 3 December 2012 Dialectical Journal
for  Cosette Quote: “Cosette could not stir that she did not draw upon herself a 
hailstorm of underserved and severe chastisements” (Hugo 42). Paraphrase: I 
think the quote means that Cosette did not know why she is treated the way she
was at this point in the novel. She went from having a loving relationship with
  her mom to being stuck with the Thenardiers. I think the hailstorm part means
  that these emotions are all coming at once, making it hard for her to
  understand. Analysis: This quote gives me a feeling of sadness for Cosette. I
  know I would be upset if my parents gave me to these horrible people. If I was
  old enough I would try to run away. I would never want this to happen to my
  children. This quote adds to the feeling of misery in this novel. It seems like
  the book will never have a turn for the better.

ATTENTION: Dezja Ellis I agree with your analysis because you said that
The  Thenardiers only wanted Cosette for the money that they aquired from
Fantine and  the work that she did for free. They are basically getting paid to
make Cosette  work nonstop.
Are people born good or evil? Do people learn to be good or evil? Choose lines that describe a good and an evil character from the novel. Then, defend whether those two characters were born evil or learned to become evil.

I don’t think people are born good or evil. Good people grow to be a good person with good morals. Evil people grow to be evil without any morals. Jean Valjean was born innocent and good. However, from the choices he has made, made him cold  and heartless. This is shown through the beginning of the book when he was just  trying to feed his family. However they were poor and could not afford food. He  lowered his morals to go and steal from the bread store. From his choices and  the chain of events that made him who he is in the book, he was once a good  person who was just trying to provide for his family. The Bishop was a good  person in this novel. He has always shown kindness and graciousness. When he  caught Jean Valjean stealing his belongings, he proceeded to forgive him and be  kind enough to give him more items. The Bishop shows no attachment to items, he  simply wants to make other peoples lifes better. He has shown that when he gave  his house to a family that was in need of more space. I don’t feel that he was  born “Good.” He just grew to be a kind hearted person who loves to help others.

ATTENTION: Shakima, I think our arguments were pretty similar. I don’t think
  stealing the bread made him an evil person, just a person in need and someone who has done an evil act.