Read "By the River." Then, go back and identify 3 quotes that foreshadowed
  its conclusion. For each quote, explain how it revealed a clue about how the
  short story would end. 
Respond to a peer's post.

1.“The old woman selling tickets looked at Helen as if her eyes were drawn
  irresistibly that way, as if she knew every nasty rumor and wanted to let Helen
  know that she knew.” –This leads me to think that she is not well liked in her
  town; someone or an event that happened in her past is changing other peoples view on Helen. This rumor might come into play later in the short story. 2.“She did not think of her own house, her husband’s house, because it mixed her up too  much right now. Maybe she would go back and maybe not. She did not think of him- if she wanted to go back she would, he would take her in. When she tried to think of what brought her back, it was never her husband” – This quote makes me think that she is never going to go back home. She doesn’t even miss her house. Something happened in her home/hometown to make her leave for good. I have a feeling that there is a problem in their marriage. I think its cheating or abuse  or something of that sort.
3 “Helen frowned at the dark brick, and there, out of  nowhere, the word Adulterous, for it too had been a word she had not understood  for years. A word out of the Bible. It was like a mosquito bothering her at  night, or a stain on her dress- the kind she would have hide without seeming  to.” – Well the word Adulterous means adultery, which means cheating. I would  have to foreshadow that either her or her husband cheated on one another. It’s  more likely her because she feelings guilty by saying that it was like a mosquito bothering her at night.

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