Dialectical journals are graphic organizers that are used to assist a reader
  throughout the reading process. You will use the dialectical journals to
  complete the Les Miserables final project. 

  1. Choose a character (Jean Valjean, Cosette, Thenardier, Eponine, Javert, or
      the narrator; You cannot choose FANTINE...) as the focus for
      your dialectical journals. For the blog list write your quote and page number
    in  proper MLA format.

  • ex. "Import quote from the text" (Hugo 45).

2. Paraphrase the meaning of the quote by putting it into your own words.
  Don't forget to define difficult words.

 3. Analyze the quote to explain the significance of the quote including how
  it may address a theme, contribute to characterization, reveal a truth about
  life, or is an example of beautiful writing.

Dialectical journal for Cosette.
Quote: “She had not only grown; she had become idealized. As three April days
  are enough for certain trees to put on a covering of flowers, so six months had
  been enough for her to put on a mantle of beauty” (Hugo 237).
Paraphrase: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.
Analysis: Cosette had grown up, and she blossomed. She went from being a
  malnourished little girl to a girl who was taken care of. She is now beautiful
  because of the love that she is getting from Jean Valjean. She did not just
have  a quick change, it happened over a span of a couple months.

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