This is your last assignment for your senior year of English.

On the first day of school, you read student letters from the class of 2012.
The purpose of the letters was to provide you with students' perspectives on
what to expect in class and how to successfully meet those expectations. Now it
is your turn to write a letter to advise the incoming seniors how to be
successful in Senior English.

Your final reflection is to be composed as a letter addressed to the students
from the class of 2012. The final reflection is worth 50% of your final exam
grade. Therefore, it is expected to be well-written. For each error, 1 points
will be deducted from your grade. Also, the minimum
length is 500 words. One point will be
deducted for each word less than 500. 

Be sure to: 

  • Follow proper friendly letter format and style (Dear ____, paragraphing,
    & Sincerely,) 5%  
  • Introduce yourself (What kind of student were you? Why did you take Tech
    Prep? With what activities/sports were you involved
    ?) 10%  
  • Describe your experience in class (Assignments, Dr. Griffin's webpage, webfolio, class discussions, blogs,
    computers, classmates, Gradebookwizard, Twitter, etc
    .) 30%  
  • Explain two life lessons learned and how they were addressed in class
    (responsibility, organization, communication, problem solving,
    time-management, gitterdun, etc.)
  • Advise the incoming seniors how to be successful in class (What could
    you have done differently? What would you do the same
    ?) 20%

Due 11:59pm
June 10th

                                                                                            June 10, 2013 
Dear the class of 2014.  
    You’ve made it, welcome to your senior year! I am James Krafft. By
the time you read this I’ll be graduated. I am the kind of student that likes to
get assignments done  early. This class was definitely a lot more involved than
Tech Prep 11. However, you  are in for an awesome year. Coming into this class,
I felt like it was going to be a breeze and I was going to get a 100 just like I
did in Tech Prep 11. Well, that assumption was  wrong; this class involves a lot
more work and time. However, you will soon find out that this class will teach
you a lot about yourself. I took this class because I was getting real  tired of
regular English class. My freshman and sophomore years in English were so 

     Some of the assignments this year were difficult. Honestly, I really
wanted to  punch myself in the face through the dialectical journals for Les
Miserables. I now know  that it really wasn’t that bad and I got through it with
stride. There were also some  assignments which I enjoyed doing like the Moment
of Greatness article and the poem  unit. The Moment of Greatness article really
taught me that I am a good writer, and that  writing a 6 page article can be an
easy task. The poems were really interesting because you would expect to be
ready the generic poem about the sun and love. However, the  poems were far more
than that. We read some happy ones, some sad ones, and  definitely some twisted
ones. The one thing about this class that I feel that is necessary  is the
classroom discussions. We not only get an insight on the lesson, but we also 
learn more about one another. The blogs in this class are a pain. This is the
first class  that I’ve had to do a legit blog every week, and also respond to a
peer’s post. I think  they are useful to get to know the others in our grade,
but doing them every week of the  whole year was annoying. Unlike last year, my
computer went strong throughout the  year and didn’t break down on me. The last
thing that I want to compliment on was Dr.  Griffin’s site. This site was very
useful and actually kept the class on task every week. It  had new assignments
on it, as well as deadlines and help for the assignment.  This class taught me
that I have to stop procrastinating, and trying to take the  easy way out of
everything. Some things in life are going to take time and thinking. In  other
classes it is so easy to just rush through the assignments. I knew I had a 
procrastination problem way before this class, but I actually am trying to do
stuff on time and not be lazy about it. This class also taught me that I have to
be responsible for my work. In other  classes the teacher will let you hand in
work late. Dr. Griffin doesn’t even accept work late. This gives me  the
incentive to get your work in on time and do your work effectively.       

    My advice to you would be to come into this class not thinking that
it will be a breeze just like  Tech Prep 11. In that class I barely tried and
got amazing grades. Learn to get over your little senioritis  because that’s not
going to help you in this class. The only real problems that I had this year was
getting  here on time and working effectively.  Just try your best and remember
to enjoy your last year of high  school.  



James Krafft 


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