Explain 5 lessons you will remember from your
  Senior year in English. These include life lessons, quotes, skills,
experiences,  and projects. Then respond to a peer's post.

This marks the final blog for your senior year.

I have learned many things throughout this year in Tech Prep 12. The first and
  most important lesson that I learned was that I have to stop procrastinating.
  Things always come out better if you take the time before hand to prepare, and
  not rush. I also learned that poetry is not always rainbows and sunshine. There
  is a very dark side that I had not acknowledged until this year. The phrase
“Giter-dun” really hit home for me because my dad always says that, it just
  means that you need get things done regardless of the obstacles that come in
the  way. The phrase also ties into not procrastinating. The fourth thing I
learned  this year is that writing a paper doesn’t have to be so stern and
boring. Make  your writing clear and to the point. The last thing I learned was
how to become  rich in my future. I’m pretty sure I will slip with those
lessons, but atleast I  will know what I am doing wrong. 

Attention: Frances, I feel that what you said about “don’t ask, don’t guess,
  find out” was true. We have to find out things for ourselves. 


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