It could be said that our lives are made of moments in the same way a movie 
is made frames. Some moments are snapshots or pictures in our memories that 
remind us of who we were, who we are, and who we hope to become.

Choose a frame from the movie of your life that you can vividly recall and 
show what you did, saw, smelled, felt, thought, said, and what others said to 
transport the reader to that moment. 

    The sun was very bright, the sky was bright blue, the trees were very green and the grass was freshly cut. I was really determined to ride my bike without 
training wheels. I remember seeing my older neighbors riding without them. I 
marched up to my garage, with fire in my eyes, and ripped off the training 
wheels off of my electric blue bike. I was determined to conquer my fear of 
falling off my bike. It only took one try to finally learn how to ride without 
training wheels, but that was the most intense 20 seconds of my life. All I had 
to do was believe I could do it, take my foot off of the ground, and petal. I 
never even asked for help, I just did it. The wind rushing through my hair and
a  smile of victory was shown big from ear to ear. I could now finally play with 
the big kids.

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