"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity" - Albert Einstein

     Technology is supposed to make our lives easier. In many ways it does.  However, in other ways, technology has made life more complicated. Imagine a year of your life without technology of any kind. How would your life be  different? What would you do with your time that you spent using technology? 
Would you be happier? Would you be bored?

    At times I feel that technology has made our daily lives too easy. I don’t know if I’m the only one who likes to actually wash dishes and not just put them in the dish washer and call it a day. I’m sure that now since I’m exposed to the  conveniences of technology I could not go without them for a long time. My life
would definitely different because I wouldn’t be on my phone or on the computer to waste my life away. This past weekend I went camping with one of my friend’s families and I didn’t have service out east. I felt so much lighter because I wasn’t constantly checking my phone and texting. At times I wish my parents never bought me a computer and an iphone. I’m sure I would be happier without technology. However, I know I would get bored after a while, I mean I can’t go a  day without checking up on my monopoly hotels app.

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