What memories do you have of September 11th? How have the effects of that day affected your life? 

    - My memories of September 11th 2001 are very vague. I don’t exactly remember how the whole day went, but I remember sitting in 1st grade at the Morrow school. My  teacher, who was Mrs. Silverman, She was upset but not too much that she couldn’t compose herself. I remember that we turned on to the news, but then a couple seconds later she changed the channel so that we could watch Dora the Explorer. After a while, many parents and guardians were calling in to get their  children out of school but I don’t remember if anyone was able to take their  children out that day. The effects of September 11th have definitely impacted my  life. I have a lot more pride for America and I lack the motivation to help other countries. It’s very sad about how they fell, but I think our country is  somehow getting their lives back together. Some people say that this was a  government plot to go with some conspiracy theory, but I honestly do
believe  that it was terrorists. All in all, I just have gained some pride and
respect  for our country.

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