Reflect for a moment on what and for whom you are thankful. This blog must
  have 5 well-written sentences and a reply.

I am going to be like the rest and say that I am thankful for my family. Family
  to me would include my real family and my couple close friends that I would
  consider family. Yeah, even though we fight and get loud with one another we
  love each other. In the long run the only people that will be there for you
will  be your family. Some might not appreciate whom they have in their family,
but I  treasure my family. Since I don’t see many of them often, any time I can
share  with my extended family is truly a gift. I don’t think I would be who I
am  without my parents, extended family and those couple really close friends. 
ATTENTION ASHLEY BARNES: I think it’s really nice that you make it a point to
  show your religion whenever you can. It really shows me that you show interest
  in things other than yourself ? I do agree with you though, I wish I had more
of  a spiritual side and an interest at this point in time. I do respect your
  dedication to God.

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